Emergency Vets Service for registered clients at New Lodge Vets

Emergency visits
In the case of an urgent problem during the day, it always best to telephone the veterinary centre on 01832 270201 to let us know you are on your way and you will be seen as soon as possible on your arrival. Our reception is open from 8.00am to 7pm Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 1pm on Saturdays.
Outside normal hours
We know your pet can become ill or suffer accidents at any time. To make sure that you have instant reliable access to specialised emergency Veterinary care at night, weekends and bank holidays, we have chosen to partner with Vets Now the UK’s leading provider of specialist emergency and critical care Out of Hours.
The team from Vets Now are always on there on site when we are closed , so that you can rest assured that you and your pet will have a specially trained vet and nurse on hand, whether its four in the morning or halfway through Christmas.
When you call VetsNow, their specially trained team will assess your pet’s needs and offer directions to the VetsNow Closest to you which may be Peterborough or Northampton. But as a member of our practice, you are entitled to visit a VetsNow clinic wherever you are in the country, for example if you are on holiday and need a vet out of hours.
Vets Now take over from us when we close in the evenings and at weekends from Saturday lunchtime onwards. It is always best to call us first as we will either be there to answer your call, or will have an answer machine message with Vets Now details for you. Vets now can give you advice over the phone and arrange immediate appointments to see them if that is what is required.
Vets Now is open from 7pm in the evening until 8.30am the following day. It’s is also open all weekend after Saturday lunchtime, including Bank Holidays.
When you visit Vets Now, they do the emergency stuff, the staff work through the night and your pet comes back to our practice for further work and treatment during daylight hours if needed. Vets Now will provide us with detailed clinical notes promptly after your visit ensuring excellent continuity of care.
We have also made provision that any pet with us for treatment during the day that needs to stay in overnight, will stay with ourselves. So Vets Now is going to help with those unforeseen emergencies that no one is expecting. Allowing us to continue providing the high quality care for you and your pets that we pride ourselves on.
Putting our trust in VetsNow to help with our out of hours care, is part of our aim to provide the best possible specialised Out of Hours care, and also be at our clinical best during the day time.
Please be aware that because of the nature of out of Hours emergencies, a night-time or weekend appointment will be more costly than seeing a vet during normal hours. Vets Now will discuss this with you at the time of appointment and before commencing any treatment. Please consider pet insurance to give you peace of mind that your pet will be able to receive the best possible care 24 hours a day.
Vets Now Peterborough are located at 89-93 Park Road, Peterborough, PE1 2TR. They use Pengelly & Mizen’s premises but are a completely independent service. For more details, maps and directions, go to www.vets-now.com/find-an-emergency-vet
Want to know more?
If you would like to read a letter from Zoe explaining our reasons for engaging Vets Now, please click here.
Home visits
We consider that treatment at New Lodge Veterinary Centre will usually be in the best interests of our patients and provide our best standard of care because of the equipment, facilities and wide range of drugs at our disposal.
Home visits are available only where they are deemed clinically necessary or appropriate by our vet after evaluating the case based on your description of the animals physical condition, and the patients appropriate care. Some patients seen on home visits will require hospitalisation for further treatment and diagnostic testing, which we are unable to offer whilst on home visits.
Not registered
If you are registered at another veterinary practice, it is essential to contact them in the first instance or their designated out of hours service provider, as they will have access to your pet’s clinical history, current health status and be familiar with you and your pet.
If your pet is not registered with any veterinary practice, we are happy to register you and your pet but may charge a premium for doing so.
The emergency process – OOH
In the event of an out of hours emergency with your pet, please call our normal telephone number. Our out of hours message is active when we are closed and has details of our normal opening hours but also includes the number for Vets Now Peterborough within the message. Our message also details our current opening times which may vary for those published on our website. Vets Now have a dedicated phone and triage system to help you, help your pet in the event of an emergency. The telephone number for Vets Now Peterborough is 01733 512192, if for any reason our phone system is inactive. Vets Now are only open when we are closed.
Please note that all Vets Now consultations and treatments normally take place at Pengelly and Mizen, 89-93 Park Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE1 2TR. (Depending on your location)
If you contact Vets Now when we are closed, they will forward a clinical history to us of the advice and /or treatment that you have received. This is for care continuity for you and your pet.
There are additional charges for emergency consultations at Vets Now which by their emergency nature are outside of our normal hours, may require specialist equipment and medication, and these costs vary with time of day or night. Please note fees are payable at time of treatment. Up to date information regarding Vets Now charges is available on request to Vets Now. The initial fees will be detailed to you during your initial telephone call to Vets Now.