New Lodge Vets Terms of Business for Veterinary Services

It is essential for us to maintain accurate records of our clients and patients. In order to do this we will periodically ask you to confirm the details we hold. If your details change, please inform us so we may ensure our database is as up to date as possible.
From time to time we would like to inform you of current promotions and our quarterly newsletter. This will be sent to the email address you provide us. If you do not wish to receive these mailings please send us an email stating that you wish to be removed from the mailing list.
All invoices are to be paid at the time of provision of that service, collection of medication/diets or collection of the animal from our premises.
We accept payment by Cash, Debit Cards and Visa/MasterCard credit cards. Please note, we do not accept American express/Diners cards or payment by cheque.
Should an account not be settled and after due notice to you, the client, overdue accounts will be referred to HM courts and Tribunal service and further charges will be levied in respect of costs incurred in collecting the debt such as production of reports, correspondence, court fees, attendance at court, phone calls, home visits etc. Any credit/debt card payment not honoured and cash tendered that is found to be counterfeit will result in the account being restored to the original sum with further charges added in respect of bank charges and administrative costs in addition to the principal sum.
Inability to pay
If for any reason you are unable to settle your account as specified, we ask you to discuss the matter as soon as possible with Zoe North.
Please note that we are not licensed to offer credit, and do not send out accounts.
Consultations and opening times
The Veterinary Centre is open Monday to Friday 8.00am -7pm. Saturday 8.00am -1pm. Consultations are by appointment only except in the case or emergency when, if possible, a telephone call to the veterinary centre detailing the emergency could be critical in dealing with it.
Estimates of treatment costs
We are happy to provide a written estimate as to the possible costs of a course of treatment. Please bear in mind that any estimate given can only be approximate – often a pet’s illness will not follow a conventional course and so the estimate must be used as a guide to the likely costs involved. The final invoice may be above or below the original estimate depending on clinical circumstances. Where possible, we try to advise clients when an invoice may exceed the estimate given, or the cost of the treatment is to be changed. We will provide the details of the price of any medicine stocked or sold on request.
Written signed consent for procedures is required in all cases of admission to the Veterinary Centre and any alterations will be agreed prior to actions being taken. Consent is also required for the use of medications in species for which they were not licenced e.g. rabbits, rodents and avian species. In this case a consent form will be provided to allow this to be done without asking for specific permission in each and every separate case. This is required because the majority of veterinary drugs are not licenced for use in small mammals, birds, etc. We must then use drugs which have proven activity and efficiency despite this lack of licence.
Return of unused drugs
We are happy to accept unused medications back into the practice for disposal only. However as medications which has left the premises are no longer fit for resale as condition of storage and cross contamination cannot be guaranteed, no refund can be given. Drugs purchased from any other supplier will not be accepted for disposal.
Prescription Policy
Prescriptions are available from this practice.
A veterinary surgeon may prescribe POM Vs (Prescription only medications) only for animals under their care.
Repeat medications and prescriptions require a repeat consultation to enable us to reexamine your pet and review your pet’s progress.
Our frequency of examination by the vet to supply repeat Prescription Only Medicines or written Prescriptions is normally 3 months but this interval would depend upon the condition under treatment and animal’s response to treatment.
We can provide written prescriptions on request for collection with at least 48 hours’ notice for a fee plus the cost of a consultation/reexamination, or can dispense/supply against another vets original written prescription. A prescription may not be appropriate if your animal is an inpatient or immediate treatment is necessary.
You will be informed, on request, of the price of any medicine that may be prescribed for your animal.
Clinical records/ownership of radiographs and similar records
The care given to your pet may involve making some specific investigations. Even though we make a charge for carrying out these investigations and interpreting their results, ownership of the resulting record remains with the practice. Your pet’s clinical records, including radiographs, ultrasound scan records and laboratory test reports remain the property of New Lodge Veterinary Centre Ltd and will be kept under the terms of the Data Protection Act (1998). You are entitled to see the records on request and if necessary an appropriate appointment to view them will be made. Your pet’s records will be sent to another veterinary surgeon on request from them. If you require a copy for your own personal use, a charge may be made at the rate of administrative work on each occasion such a request is made.
Vaccination Reminders
Whilst we make every effort to send out reminders for annual vaccinations via email, the responsibility to keep them up to date remains with you. In particular, please be aware that PETS passports require rabies vaccination boosters so please keep a personal record of when this is due.
Out of Hours Care and Out of Hours Home Visits
Our out of hours emergency provision is entrusted to Vets Now. We normally would be directing clients to the Peterborough clinic. Vets Now are available for out of hours emergency advice and immediate appointments for our clients if deemed necessary while we are closed including nights, weekends and bank holidays. They are a separate specialised emergency veterinary care provider for pets.
Out of hours home visits may available from Vets Now, but may require some organisation and additional staffing which may lead to significantly increased costs and delays in treatment. Any out of hour’s emergency home visit requires two members of staff for animal handling and for health and safety reasons, and so transporting your pet to the clinic may prevent a possible delay in treatment. Some patients seen out of hours will require hospitalisation for further treatment and diagnostic testing, which it is not possible to offer whilst on home visits.
Taking your pet to Vets Now will lead to faster treatment and significantly lower costs. Fees charged out of hours service vary with the time of provision and are payable at the time of provision of service to Vets Now. Cost estimates are available from Vets Now on request.
All hospital in patients who are admitted to New Lodge Veterinary Centre will be cared for as necessary by Zoe, our veterinary surgeon or her locum and our veterinary nurses or if the client wishes may be transferred and transported to Vets Now by clients overnight and at weekends. All cost incurred at Vets Now are separate from any in patient care received at New Lodge Veterinary Centre, and all costs are to be paid to Vets Now before discharge.
Home visits during opening hours
Home visits are available for our clients in our normal opening hours by prior arrangement where they are deemed clinically necessary or appropriate by our vet after evaluating the case based on your description of the animals physical condition, and the patients appropriate care. Any home visit requires two members of staff for animal handling and for health and safety reasons, and so transporting your pet to the surgery may prevent a possible delay in treatment. Some patients seen at home may require hospitalisation for further treatment and diagnostic testing, which we are unable to offer whilst on home visits.
The responsibility for transporting an animal to the practice premises remains with the Owner.
Veterinary Care
New Lodge Veterinary Centre Ltd will endeavour to provide veterinary services in accordance with reasonable standards denoted in the RCVS guidelines for practice standards and the professional conduct of veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses. Guidelines are available at
Complaints and standards
New Lodge Veterinary Centre Ltd is committed to providing an exceptional standard of service and care. We realise, however, that things can go wrong and there may be occasions when you feel your expectations are not met. We hope that if this is the case you will give the veterinary centre a chance to put it right. Most problems can be sorted out easily and quickly, often at the time they arise and with the person concerned.
If your problem cannot be sorted out in this way, and you wish to make a formal complaint, we would like you to let us know in writing within 6 months. An acknowledgement letter will be sent once your formal complaint has been received. This will detail the name of the person handling your complaint about the standards of service received from New Lodge Veterinary centre. However if you feel that there is something you wish to complain about, please direct your comments in the first instance to Zoe North.
Responsible pet ownership and pet health insurance
New Lodge Veterinary Centre believes in responsible pet ownership. This includes regular appropriate vaccinations and worming for cats and dogs, regular flea control and a permanent means of identification for your pet. Please ask us for advice on the best methods to achieve this. New Lodge Veterinary Centre strongly supports the principle of insuring your pet against unexpected illness or accidents. Under the regulations of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) we are authorised to promote and administer the claims of the insurance company PetPlan, exclusively: the practice does not receive commission for this. Please ask for details of Petplan insurance from any member of staff but be aware though that with any insurance company it is your responsibility to determine your level of cover and to then reclaim any fees you have paid the practice. It is also your responsibility to pay any excess that may be set according to your policy and to have knowledge of any condition exclusions.
In certain instances, arrangements can be made for PetPlan to make their payment directly to us after you have paid us the excess but this only applies to this particular insurance company and even then when sums involved are high enough. Please ask for details if you would like to be considered for this facility. Please be aware under normal circumstances that it is your responsibility to settle your account and then reclaim the fees from your insurance company.
No addition or variation of these conditions will bind the practice unless it is specifically agreed in writing and signed by one of the Directors. No agent or person employed by or under contract with the practice has the authority to alter or vary these conditions in any way.